Her story seemed innocent at first, if not charming. A young immigrant woman from Germany befriending older gentlemen in Cincinnati's German community and providing them memories of home with her Old World cooking. But as these men fell ill - or worse, starting dying - the motives behind Anna Marie Hahn's friendly overtures proved to be far more devious.
Episode Sponsors:
Caden Lane- For 20% off your order, head to www.CadenLane.com/COTC and use code COTC.
Dipsea - Go to www.DipseaStories.com/COTC for an extended 30 day free trial.
Rocket Money - Stop wasting money on things you don’t use. Cancel your unwanted subscriptions by going to www.RocketMoney.com/COTC.
Wildgrain - The first-ever baked-from-frozen subcription box for sourdough breads, pasta, and pastries. Go to www.wildgrain.com/COTC for free croissants in every box and $30 off your first box.